Sunday, November 13, 2016


                                                        IWON PROFILE



Telephone # : (632) 695-1162: (632) 695-1166

IWON distributes superior quality and wellness Products services in the field of evidence - based on Uniquely effectively beauty Products  (Gold Caviar, Fenissity) Healthy food and beverages (Nutratives) and the most powerful Syner Green food supplement the flagship product of IWON (Synergreen).


International IWON Trading Inc. Has been istablish in April 2015 as a health and wellness multi level marketing company in the Philippines with a 770sqm. Head office in Ortigas Business District Pasig City.

IWON is owned and managed by a group of individuals with over two decades of experties and expertise in the Network Marketing interms of Information technoloy,  Financial and Corporate management.

                                                                "Chairman of IWON"

 "President /CEO of IWON"

                                              "Vice President in Finance of IWON"

                                                     "Chief in Marketing of IWON"

                                                         MR.  ELMER SURESCA


IWON has a total Number of 15 employees which are hardworking and dedicated individuals capable for performing in multi-tasking set up and flexible  In any extreme preasure working invironment this synergy and skills of man power delivers great result of accomplishment for the company.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


The Most Powerful Super Green Food Supplement You Will Ever Find Today! Since you are looking for an organic super green food supplement, look no further. It is a combination of organic green and fruits that will deliver the cellular nutrition your body needs and crave. Imagine getting all vitamins and minerals from whole basket of organic produce in every glass.

Malnutrition is in the rise today, even with an increase food consumption. Since more and more people are starting to understand that their diets are lacking in good nutrition, many are starting to use supplement. Since food quality has diminished so much over the last few decades, the nutrition has become very profitable. Food grown today does not have near the nutrition it once had. Today's eating regimens consist mainly of chemical laced packaged food In order to get the right nutrition out of your food, it should consist of mainly whole, organic foods. You may be taking vitamin or mineral supplement yourself. Yes, even as the use of supplements has grown the level of diseases has not dropped. In fact many rates have increased. some would say that Supplement are doing what they should to curb bad health.

The GOOD NEWS is that not all Supplement are created the same. There are two different types of nutrients that you can buy, those created by nature and synthetic. Our bodies are designed to use real food, not synthetic . The fact of the matter is that your body does not utilize many of the Supplements they take. Whole food supplement nourish your body in a holistic way. These whole food supplement contain a wide array of trace minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients that are not present in synthetic health products. Drinking adequate water also pays significant part in nutrition. If you don't have enough water in your system your body simply cant absorb the nutrients effectively from the body you eat. Synthetic supplements, a good deal of the time, are not recognize bi the body and there fore simply excreted as waste. A super food is a term for super green powders contain Spirulina Wheat Grass, Barley and other green vegetables the single best reason for using this powder, organic form of nutrition is that it is easily absorbed by the body. The great thing about an organic greens powder is that there are no pills to breakdown.

Cheap food usually means low nutrition value. so eating more of it will not necessarily give you more nutrition, but it will make you fat.

Our diets did not significant change until about a hundred years ago when mass food production replaced the way we got our food. The shift away from traditional farming practices resulted in a change in growing, processing, delivery, and chemical application for virtually everyone. the rise of the nutrition industry and organic green powders, was brought about by these changes.

It stand to reason that a whole food supplement would give your body much more nutrition that a pill or caplet. The thing to remember is that if the pills you take are not food based, your body will not get much out of them, since it is made from real food, you get much more out of it.
Now that you are aware of some Fun Facts, you can try Our SYNERGREENS Food Powder.

Why IWON ?

The History of Multi-Level Marketing was first established year 1959 by Amway then followed by Forever Living products year 1978. From 1978-1991 Forever Living expanded to over 76 countries and this time they try to market Philippines and tap business persons and introduced the MLM system but they failed because businessman didn’t believe the system. Then year 1996 for the 2nd attempt they gather again business person and this time with some ordinary people like jeep driver & sidewalk vendors then they introduced again the Multi-level Marketing system + 14k investment you will have a potential income of 1M-20M in 1 year and this time all businessman did not believe again but those ordinary people stay and really find ways to join on the business. They trusted on “The Law of First” so one good example of it is Mr. Jun Kintanar who was a jeepney driver who turned out to be the first Filipino networker who is driving his own Ferrari car. He was the result of the first wave of networking company introduced here in the Philippines. And year 1997 Philippines make a record in Forever Living company to be the top 3 out of 77 countries in just 1 year operating in the Philippines. Then from that year onward a lot of networking companies market Philippines like DXN, NU Skin,iGEN portal, Amway. They are the FIRST WAVE of Networking companies introduced here in the Philippines and all of the people who trusted the system and became the pioneers or the 001 are the first multi-millionaires. Then after 10 years those companies already saturated the market and if you join this time you will not get what the pioneers achieved because they already saturated the market, maybe you will earn but not the same with those who first position to be pioneers. And that is why the TOP EARNERS of the first wave build a new MLM company with an upgraded marketing strategies and new products and services, all the weaknesses from the previous company they make it the strength here and that was year 2005 when AIM Global, Royale, UNO and etc.. open the 2nd WAVE of Networking company in the Philippines. That’s why a lot of networkers from the first wave position again to be the pioneers of the 2nd wave. And those pioneers who trusted the company and the system are now reaping their millions because they believed in “THE LAW OF FIRST” but then again if you will join this time you will not get what the pioneers achieved because they already saturated the market maybe you will earn but you will not get rich. TO BE RICH IS DIFFERENT FROM JUST EARNING. And now these companies from the 2nd wave are already existing for more than 10 years they are very saturated that is why the TOP EARNERS of the 2nd wave Just BUILD a new MLM company with a very unique products that no other networking companies have, we also have highly consumable products and a lucrative marketing plan that has a One leg program of earning. It is indeed all the weaknesses from other companies they make it all the strength here. IWON corp. is the first and the only MLM company that is born this time to OPEN the 3rd Wave of Networking. IWON owners are expert in this business both online and offline and they are once a distributor and they correct all the loop holes based on their experiences. Be a pioneer always remember THE LAW OF FIRST. this is a perfect timing..God has the right timing! He knows what s best,and when the best time is.....................

#Jun kintanar Story of Success.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Use of gold for skin care has become popular nowadays. However, the use of gold in skin care products for various skin treatments was very well known and used by Japanese, Romans and Egyptians since early times. Let us look at the top 10 benefits of gold for skin care.

Benefits of Gold for Skin Care

1. Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Spots Can Be Reduced:

To have a clear skin, free from wrinkles & spots is every woman’s ultimate desire. Gold can activate the basal cells of the skin which reduces the elasticity of the skin. It thus reduces wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and marks on the skin, and will make you look younger.

2. Stimulates The Skin Cells:

The ions present in gold help in stimulating the cells, nerves and veins in your body which leads to improved blood circulation. This will increase the metabolism of skin cells and secretion of the waste. Gold can help to stimulate the cells and have a healthy skin.

3. Premature Aging Of The Skin Can Be Prevented:

Dryness of skin can lead to its premature aging. Use of gold can reduce the dryness of skin and helps in increasing the metabolic rate. This would prevent the skin from premature aging.

4. Gold Can Lighten The Complexion:

As we recollect history, it was rumored that one of the beauty regimes that Cleopatra followed was the use of gold. Cleopatra used a gold mask every night to enhance her complexion and keep her skin youthful, glowing and beautiful.

5. Collagen Depletion Is Slowed Down:

Collagen is naturally produced in your body which keeps the body flexible. It is responsible for giving smooth skin and shining hair. The collagen level in the body starts depleting from the age of 25 and this is when you notice the changes on your skin. Skin care with gold can slow down the depletion of collagen level in your skin cells.

6. Sun Damage Can Be Treated:

We all are very concerned for our skin getting tanned under the sun. Production of melanin or black pigment in the skin is responsible for tanning of the skin, when exposed to sunlight. The production of melanin in the body can be reduced with the use of gold.

7. Allergies Can Be Treated:

Egyptians believed that gold has medicinal properties that can help in healing a few diseases. The antioxidant properties present in gold helps in increasing blood circulation which leads to reduction in acne and other skin allergies.

8. Inflammation Can Be Treated:

Gold is said to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties that help oxygen to enter into the skin for renewal of the cells. This helps in treating ulcer and other inflammatory disorders of the skin. It is also known to rejuvenate your skin.

9. Elasticity Of The Skin Can Be Increased:

Skin tends to sag when its elasticity decreases or is completely lost. Use of gold can breakdown the elastin gradually and restore the elasticity of the tissues. This would further prevent the skin from sagging. Gold increases the elasticity of the skin, thus makes it firm and toned.

10. Glowing Skin:

Gold helps in improving the blood circulation, hence it helps hydrate and maintain the skin’s moisture level. The small particles of gold get absorbed into the skin imparting a rich glow. This makes the skin healthy, fresh and radiant.

Gold not only gives a beautiful, glowing and youthful skin but is also beneficial in many ways. It slows down the collagen depletion, increases skin’s elasticity, lightens the skin’s complexion, stimulates the cells making the skin firm, improves blood circulation and prevents premature aging, wrinkles, tanning etc.

You will have to try it to believe the amazing gold skin care benefits.